In the beginning, God sang everything into being-for the joy of it- and set the whole universe dancing.
God was in the center, at the heart of everything.
Like the dance of the planets before the sun- turning, spinning, circling, wheeling, revolving, orbiting around and around- God made everything in his world and in his universe and in his children's hearts to center around him- in a wonderful Dance of Joy!
It's the Dance you were born for.
"The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for Joy." Job 38:7
Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Loyd Jones
Watching Grandpa and Grandma's house for the weekend.... what fun!
Thursday, July 23rd. Went out on an errand and transmission overheated. We went to McDonalds while it cooled down. All the children knew was that if they were listening and sitting still in the car they would get a treat! Ronni was a good helper!
Friday, July 24th. After other stuff was done we went to Priest Point park. Evana and Nadia were sleeping by the time we got there. They played till it started raining!
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